Free Media Kit Designs

Unlock not one, but THREE fully editable Canva media kits to put your best foot forward with brands.

Fact: Working With Brands Is One Of The Fastest (Underrated!) Ways To Skyrocket Your Blog Income.

And your media kit? It's the best way to start the conversation.

ICYMI, a media kit is like a little resume you can bring to brands.

It shows your most important stats, past experiences, and pricing so sponsors can make an informed decision to pay you for work.

Take it from someone who has secured multiple six-figures in brand deals over the last few years... if you want to impress brands, you need a media kit.

A Good Free Media Kit Is Hard To Find, Though...

And a premium one?


Most free media kits have no sense of style -- and if they do, they don't include the most important metrics a media kit needs to impress brands.

(You know, things like actual data and experience...)

Every Blogger Deserves a High-Quality Media Kit, So I'm Giving Out My Premium Designs For Free...

And if you're serious about making real money from your blog, this is the perfect place to start.

What's Inside These Premium Free Media Kits

Not one, but THREE custom designs you can edit with a free Canva design account ($75 retail value).

The most important metrics brands need to know to sponsor you (from an influencer manager!)

Varying lengths and add-on pages depending on your level of experience working with brands.

Pricing sections so you can show brands your value.

Swipe copy you can use or re-write.

Modern color schemes and fonts (that you can easily swap for your own!)

Instant download and forever access, so you can swap designs (or mix and match pages) as you grow.

Whether You're Just Starting With Brand Work Or Have Years Of Experience, These Media Kits Are For


I'm Amanda.

New Here?

The influencer "experts" and Etsy shops selling media kits only know what to put in them based on their own limited experience (or what they think everyone else is doing). And they'll sell them to you for a pretty penny.

Nobody Knows How To Make A Good Media Kit... And It's Costing Them.

Short story: I've worked with brands from ALL the angles... so I know what works. And I want to give it to you, for free.

You deserve a place at the table in this multibillion dollar industry. I used my brand experience to design a resource that not only looks great, but delivers the decision-making information brands want to see... even if you're a small blogger!

The face behind Mom Can Sell, media kit creator, mom of four, and influencer manager solving a problem that haunts me:

I've worked with brands as a small blogger finding my own sponsored deals, as a brand contracting with influencers to produce blog content, and as a blogger influencer manager securing over $500,000 in paid campaigns.

That's Not Me, And That's Not For You.

Get FREE Media Kits

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